Hi there,
Still no camera cable, but we've managed to extract the photos that were on the camera via the memory card. So here's a rough round-up of some of the things that have happened in the past six months:
We bought a couple of beds for the girls, and left Sam to assemble them all day.
Mr Assembler man, on the job! |
Our girls rooms, moved into the dining room |
Bed number 1 done |
Bed number 2 done |
We managed to make a store-room out of the rest of the room that the girls are in now. More room for Warhammer and books!
Storeroom shelves for Warhammer |
Storeroom bookcase and shelves |
We got our first batches of carrots and onions out of the front garden. They were absolutely delicious. We've also had a rush trip to the vet for Major Tom, who had a big bite taken out of his shoulder. He's much happier now, and stopped limping, but has a bit of a jumpy personality ever since.
Major Tom, chilling with Sam's phone |
Carrots and onions |
Ahhh, Christmas... We decided to try out a couple of new family traditions, which everyone in the house thought was amazing. Borrowing from some European traditions, we spent the afternoon of Christmas Eve making chocolate truffles and writing Christmas cards for our friends and neighbours within walking distance. The kids and I then walked around the block, delivering our gifts, while Papa Sam cooked a light fish and salad meal for us.
Once we got home, we had dinner together, and then opened our presents (yes, on Christmas Eve). On Christmas morning, the kids already had their presents to play with, and we surprised them with stockings full of little bits and bobs and sweets. They thought it was awesome, having a whole Christmas Day just to relax and hang out with family. It was the most relaxing and happy Christmas I've personally ever had.
Cards and flowers for neighbours
Chocolate truffles |
Our Christmas tree |
We also continued our normal tradition of Olliebollen for New Years Eve
Olliebollen for New Years |
Papa Sam had his birthday first, and I quickly painted a couple of miniatures to go on top of the yummy passionfruit white chocolate mudcake. In case you don't understand Warhammer, there's two miniatures on top of the cake, one Eldar and one Ork, hence the "F-orking Eldar-ly" on the top of the cake.
Yup, Sammy's getting older |
Our youngest was next, and I made him a cupcake train, while our second youngest got a gorgeous monkey cake, made by Papa Sam (his baking and cake icing skills are really getting good). 

And then came my birthday, for which Papa Sam made me a lovely lemon madeira cake, iced my favourite colour :)
Finally, so that we can keep the Warhammer and general wargaming enthusiasts in our lives who read this blog happy, we started another blog. It's called
Napalm Elf & Rebel Scum, and has all of the pics of our progress painting miniatures and wargaming.
But one last Warhammer pic, for the road.... In the words of the
Doctor.... Monsters are real :)
There's lots more to update you all on, but that will have to wait a little while longer (the camera cable should be on a courier to us right now).
Love to all,
Mama Fern