Thursday, 5 April 2012

Break in transmission....

Hi All,

Well, I still can't find the cable for our camera, but I thought I'd at least put something up here, since I get the occasional complaint about lack of updates (I'm sorry, people, really I am!)

We had a really great Christmas and New Years, surrounded by lots of family, followed by a trip up to the Bay of Plenty to visit friends and family.  Hopefully we'll find that cable and get pics up soon.

Papa Sam and our youngest both had their birthdays.  Sam got his usual white chocolate passionfruit mud cake, with some quickly painted Warhammer figures on top, while our youngest got himself the train cake he's begged me for quite a few times.

I took part in the Kapiti Women's Triathlon, and didn't finish last in my age group, which was the main aim.  I've got a Duathlon coming up next weekend to do as well.

Oh yeah, Papa Sam and I finally made it over to Melbourne and stayed with my inlaws.  It was really lovely to finally meet everyone.

As for the garden, it's starting to look decidely winterish, and will probably be heavily mulched sometime really soon.

The kids are doing really well, although I'm sad to report we lost one chicken (Tilly) and one guinea pig (Lance), which the kids have buried and held little services for, underneath a couple of suitable trees.

Anyway, that's all I can think of for now, and I know it's always boring without the pics - we're getting there!  So much has happened since I last posted, that I'm sure I will have forgotten something important too.

Take care, and love to all,
Mama Fern