Friday, 22 June 2012

The littlest things

Hi All,

Sometimes it's the littlest things in life that make you smile.  Like a warm cuddle from the child who clambers into bed in the morning, or the smell of bread baking in the kitchen.

Today, I decided to shine my sink...  Yup, you heard right, I went and made it shine, clean and bright, and it made me smile.  There's been a lot going on lately, and I've only just managed to stay on top of the housework, but I finally decided to go back to the FlyLady website (, and start getting things back on track.  So hopefully it means I'll be getting a few more posts up here, and that I'll be getting more done around the place.

So here it is, in all its before and after glory!


Because sometimes in life, you just have to take that first step.

Love to all,
Mama Fern

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Alien pikelets and new furniture

Hi All,

Just lately, we have got the kids to try lots of things they wouldn't normally do.  For instance, they've all had a chance to light the fireplace, and we've got a ginger bug going, to make our own ginger beer.  But I have to say, our oldest boys pikelets have to be one of the cutest results from all our work lately.  I left him alone in the kitchen, with a pikelets recipe and told him to make pikelets.  Not bad for a 10 year old with no parental assistance!

Strange looking, but tasty all the same!

We spoilt ourselves with our first ever matching bedroom set (two dressers, two bedside tables and a bed frame), which has made our room feel so much more homely.  I'm absolutely adoring it!

And, we replaced the bed of our middle boy.  The youngest has to wait a little longer, but we're slowly getting them more organised.  We still have to change around his walls a little, but he's keeping his room a lot tidier as a result of the extra storage space.

Anyway, that's all from me tonight.

Love to all,
Mama Fern