Hi All,
Well, I was just starting to get into the habit of posting regularly when things went into a bit of a whirl in our lives, and the blog well and truly went on the backburner... But we're still here and still keeping busy. For those that know us well in real life, we're coping fine and moving foward :)
The kids haven't quite finished making their aprons, although the two girls did theirs
We also had our youngest daughter's birthday party. She's really keen on Taekwon Do, and was turning 10, so I did my best to make a dobok (Taekwon Do uniform) and put what I'm hoping is actually the number 10 in Korean on it.
She got her first Warhammer Fantasy army for her birthday - Dark Elves. She's been so busy putting them together.
We raised up the shelves in our storage room, and still have some work to do to turn them into a large wall, but it's already giving the girls a whole heap more privacy.
And, what is this? An artist busy at work?
Yup, Papa Sam is busy painting our boys walls with some test pots, so that we can see how we like the colours, then we'll be completely painting the walls and brightening up the place. This colour is called "Tree Frog" by Resene... Gorgeous :) (the paint isn't bad either) ;)
We've also put up some gorgeous blue thermal curtains in our room and the living room - it makes a huge difference to the house
Oh yeah, and I learned that I make a MEAN plate of pork ribs! Yum! Might I mention that this pic is dedicated to two absolutely lovely vegan regular readers I know ;) You know who you are.... Mmm, pork ribs marinated in ginger, garlic, soy sauce, red wine and sugar.... DELICIOUS!
As for the rest of the news from the past month or two, I spent a wonderful week in the South Island with family, getting to know parts of the country I haven't seen before and spend time with my awesome cousin and her family. Thanks so much for having me down there to annoy you, guys!
As for Papa Sam, he's busy playing wargames most of the time, so you can find out what he's been up to on our Warhammer blog - http://napalmelfrebelscum.blogspot.co.nz/
I think that's about it... Here's hoping I can get more posted up here again soon!
Love to All,
Mama Fern