Monday, 12 September 2011

Warhammer Pics

I'm so proud  of my lil' sis -> Baby sister winning Highpoint GW Armies on Parade.

As requested by my dear sister and her beau Elton.

Alternate Arcane Fulcrums for Storm of Magic; I modelled these on what Kevin's reach would look like in The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, especially the last 2.

Arcane Fulcrum 1

Arcane Fulcrum 1

Arcane Fulcrum 1 top view

Arcane fulcrum 2

Arcane Fulcrum 2

Arcane fulcrum 3

Arcane Fulcrum 3

Arcane Fulcrum 4

Arcane Fulcrum 4

And on the the miniatures, or some of them....

Khorne Ogre

Khorne Ogre

Khorne Ogre

Goblin Mutant

Goblin Mutant

Goblin Mutant Standard bearer

The Skulltaker

The Skulltaker

The Skulltaker

The Skulltaker

what I'm currently painting, 40 Bloodletters, 6 Bloodcrusher riders and a Skarbrand


Top 1 of 7 cabinet left side, Nurgle Daemons, Slaanesh daemons

top 1 of 7 cabinet right side, Khorne Daemons

top 2 of 7 cabinet right side, mixture of stuff

top 2 of 7 cabinet middle

top 2 of 7 cabinet left side, warmachine, mordheim and necromunda escher

top 3 of 7 cabinet right side bretonnians

top3 of 7 cabinet middle, more bretonnians

top 3 of 7 cabinet right side, and even more bretonnians

middle shelf on cabinet left side, tzeentch flying circus daemons

middle shelf on cabinet in middle, even more flamy Tzeentch goodness

middle shelf on cabinet right side, and the rest including flying chariot.

As you can see i need to really clean things up. will paint up and see if I can take better photos of my Khorne Daemons soon. Hoping to get all the bloodletters painted before the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I didn't even realise u had put these pics up ! Very good work withe arcrame fulcrum(can't spell) and there seem to be a growing amount of models, will show elton these pics :-), very good work
