Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Room re-arrange and more new arrivals!

Hi All,

We've spent the last month or so with myself sick and various others in the household falling prey to colds every few days or so - not fun at all!

But we still managed to get around to doing a few jobs which have been needing to be done for a while and are feeling more at home now.  I suppose it had to happen eventually - we have been living here for over a year now!

I didn't manage to get the camera into my eldest's room before a teenage girl sized tornado could sweep through, but we pulled apart her loft bed, Papa Sam worked his magic making new supports, and separated it into the separate pieces, giving her a lot more usable space, including a desk, lower bed and wardrobe.  My step-brother popped by for a day and sanded out the inside of her old wardrobe cupboard for me as well, so that I could give it a fresh lick of paint and make it look a little tidier.

A lucky find at the local Salvation Army store gave me a 3 metre long curtain that, with a bit of cutting and a little time on the sewing machine, turned into two separate, bright curtains for her room.  The main thing left to do now is to buy a closed-top curtain track and raise the curtains up an inch or so, and the room will be done!

But in more exciting news...  We have new arrivals!  Three new brown shaver pullets, fresh from the local battery farm.  Surprisingly, they were actually really feisty and full of energy this time.  They're locked away in quarantine for a week or so, but happily chatting with the current occupants of our run, and already eating and scratching away.  Eventually they'll have names and leg rings, but we're still deciding.

Fresh out of the car and waiting to be put into their temporary new home
Who are these strangers?

Checking out the scenery
Already active
Anyway, that was our last week or so.  Have a wonderful time, everyone.

Love to all,
Mama Fern

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