Thursday, 13 January 2011

Christmas 2010

Ok, so I wrote the Christmas 2010 post a long time AFTER I posted my 2011 resolutions...  Never mind...  I've been tucked up in bed for most of the past 2 weeks with a cold, so between that and Christmas, everything else has been a bit of a blur.

But, I really really really have to post what we got for ourselves and the kids for Christmas.  So, here goes:

Our girls got skirts and tops from me that I made myself.  I'm almost over sewing for the moment, but really proud of the results.

A search of rose names on the internet found us a nice little David Austin rose called "Rosa Evelyn", which, is beautifully scented, rather pretty, and nicely, named exactly what our youngest daughter is.  So, she was delighted, and the garden has yet another supply of rose hips for jam and tea.
Sam and I both got into painting mode, and I made a picture of a lemon tree for my parents (which I duly forgot to photograph).  And Sam took on a family inside joke, making my mum a painting of a frog shot to bits (she has nothing against frogs, apart from the fact that frog presents deluge her house once or twice a year)

I didn't forget our boys with my sewing, but I was struggling to find patterns...  So, I made them 3 pairs of shorts for using as pyjamas

Papa Sam got a bulk box set of Lego and two Lego trucks, which he built up as quick as he could.  The trucks have been put together now as his own personal road train.

And I wasn't left out of the Lego gifts.  I got the Apple Tree Cottage set from Sam and the kids, and now that I've built all 3 houses at least once, Sam and I have moved on to making other things and displaying them on our bookshelf in the lounge

Lighthouse made during Creationary

We bought a fair few board games for the kids, with Lego Creationary being the favourite so far, but after Christmas, including gifts from family, we've added the following to our board game collection:
  • Twister
  • Lego Minotaurus
  • Game of Life
  • Barrel of monkeys (3 of these)
  • Uno
  • Phase 10 dice
  • Cranium dice (awesome game!)
  • Alphabet Soup
  • Yahtzee (score pad)
  • Sequence
  • Another chess and multiple games set
  • Foosball
  • Star Wars Risk
  • A few jigsaws
And probably a few more I've omitted from the list.  So far, the big winners are Foosball, Creationary and Cranium dice

Our eldest two got a whole heap of extra Warhammer Fantasy miniatures, while the youngest two boys got more Lego, which I would take photos of, but the constructions change too quickly!

Sam also bought me two cross-stitch kits, which I will hopefully post completed pics of in the next few months...

Um, folding chairs from my parents, a devilishly good cupcake book from my inlaws and a whole heap of other goodies rounded it out, but I honestly can't remember what else!  All in all, it was an awesome day, with lots of the people I care about most in the world, and a Christmas to remember

I hope everyone else had just as good a Christmas

Love to all,
Mama Fern

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