Thursday, 13 January 2011

Moving hutch and jam making season begins again

We've had a bit of a problem just recently, with rats getting into our chicken coop and guinea pig hutch area.  It all turned into a big panic last night, when the guinea pigs started crying out, and there was a rat actually in the hutch with them...  So, we've had to come up with a temporary (unfortunately extremely small) housing solution until we can get a replacement hutch sorted.

After a bit of modification, we have temporary hutch Mk I.  It's a bit snug (ok, it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too small for more than a day or two).  They're not thrilled, but they're safe for the moment

 It's that time of year again.  Sam's work have been providing the staff with a tonne of free fruit, and the stone fruit and bananas are untouched...  Frequently...

Bubbling plum jam
So, I've started making jam.  Today, it was 4 jars of plum jam, one jar of apple sauce, and 4 jars of plum, peach, nectarine, rhubarb, apricot and apple jam.  They're on the shelf now, with the remainder of the apple and kiwifruit sauce, and my mock apricot jam (will post the recipe up next time I make this one).
Slowly filling the shelf again
The blackberries across the road are nearly ready to pick and make into jam again, so we'll be filling the shelf up soon enough

Anyway, I'm off to enjoy the ratatouille that our second youngest just made for dinner...  Yum!

Take care,
Mama Fern

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